An Australian teenager who converted to Islam and ran away to join Islamic militants in Syria has purportedly blown himself up in a suicide attack in the Iraqi city of Ramadi, according to ISIS supporters.
Sky News
The Melbourne 18-year-old, named only as “Jake” in reports earlier this week, was once a talented student at Craigieburn Secondary College, but dropped out and bought a one-way ticket to Istanbul after converting to Islam.
Sky News
The teenager, who had reportedly been radicalized through online forums, adopted the names “Abdur Raheem” or “Abu Abdullah,” according toFairfax media.
On Wednesday, ISIS supporters claimed “Abu Abdullah Australian” had driven a car bomb to “martyrdom” by attacking the Iraqi army’s Eighth Brigade in Ramadi, purportedly killing and injuring dozens.
Australian government officials had previously not confirmed the identity of the teenager, but Immigration Minister Peter Dutton warned the internet was being used to radicalize Australian teens.
“We know there are hundreds of Australians who have engaged in this sort of activity overseas, so they have gone off to fight in Syria, they have decided to stay on our shores and potentially do us harm here,” he said.
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